• How to Change Mobile number on Aadhar Card?

    Updating mobile number in Aadhar card in simple steps. Are you looking for the mobile number updating in Aadhar card? There is some good news to you. We are here to provide you the information. It is the simple process which can be done without going to the office. Aadhaar card mobile number update is simple. Get the Aadhaar card and use that for applying latest job openings which are available. Just all you have to need is the enrollment id only. The number which is given in the Aadhar card has lost, or you got your mobile number then it has to be updated in the Aadhar card. As it is the essential card used for all the government related benefits. No need of roaming around the regional centers or any head offices anymore.

    Aadhaar card mobile number update

    We can daily update it from own pc or laptop or any device. Read the complete procedure and note down the key points. Just follow the procedure carefully and apply them. If you have any doubts in that, please make a comment in the box which is given below the article. A method for updating the mobile number in the Aadhar card. There are several methods to update the mobile number.


    Aadhaar card phone number change

    It Is the easiest way to approach. We have given the complete procedure for updating the mobile number here. First log in to the official website of UIDAI which is having the self-service update portal. Make sure you read Aadhaar card mobile number update process. Enter the Aadhar number which is having the 12 digits. Enter the previous mobile number which is given at the time of registration or the current mobile number.


    Aadhaar card register mobile number

    The OTP will be sent to the mobile number. Enter the OTP and the captcha gave there. Also, enter the OTP send to the mobile. It is used for one time only, and for 15 minutes of time then it will be expired. Click on the update request. Enter the current details and upload the relevant documents to it.


    Update request number Aadhaar card

    Once you get an idea on the Aadhaar card mobile number update process, simply do it. The upload documents can be scanned copies or the normal one. Then the BPO service has to accept the uploaded documents if it is accepted you will get the message as congratulation. Your mobile number is updated.


    Also check out: Guide to download aadhar card


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